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Tiffany Coleman
Feb 17, 20224 min read
Why brand purpose alone won’t cut it
Choosing a birthday gift isn’t as straightforward as it perhaps once was - because as consumers we now often want to know where did this...

Alice Thwaite
Feb 11, 20222 min read
The economic value of ethics
The world of work is changing. Not only is machine and algorithmic automation causing certain professions to become obsolete, but also...

Tiffany Coleman
Dec 7, 20211 min read
Why ethics must be built into tech development
On the 5th December, the founder of Hattusia, Alice Thwaite was featured in an article in the Financial Times. You can view it here. In...

Tiffany Coleman
Nov 8, 20213 min read
What do big tech and big football clubs have in common?
You never forget your first home game. The busy walk there, as the streets around you slowly form a sea of red and white – scarfs, hats,...

Tiffany Coleman
Oct 14, 20212 min read
Why we should start to treat some social medias as a public utility
This last few week we've been combing through the many brilliant articles pulling apart what exactly is going on at Facebook, and why it...

Alice Thwaite
Jun 18, 20213 min read
CogX AI Festival 2021 - context and complexity in ethics
The CogX AI festival has wrapped up for 2021. This is a celebration about the future of AI and a huge conference that brings together...

Matt Hewett
May 6, 20212 min read
Through the smoke; the harms of big tech
The tobacco industry and big tech have a lot of similarities. Maybe it's about time we started treating their societal harm the same way....

Alice Thwaite
Apr 26, 20213 min read
Our view: what are ethical standards?
I often come across experts, journalists and the public asking for more ‘ethical standards’. However, I’m never really sure what is meant...

Alice Thwaite
Mar 17, 20216 min read
Our view: building a trusted brand
Many companies turn to ethics because they want to build a ‘trusted brand’. Often they are trying to repair the broken relationship they...

Matt Hewett
Feb 16, 20213 min read
Our view: Is Facebook good for small businesses?
At their Worldwide Developers Conference this year Apple announced several new privacy updates for IOS. One of the most notable of these...

Matt Hewett
Jan 8, 20212 min read
Our view: Capitol riots
The storming of the Capitol building was an act of right wing terrorism, it was an attack on democracy and will have global impacts that...

Alice Thwaite
Jan 6, 20213 min read
Our view: the UK AI roadmap
The AI council published their guidance on what should constitute the UKs AI strategy today. The executive summary can be found here:...

Matt Hewett
Dec 22, 20203 min read
Our view: digital regulation from Europe and the UK
On 15th December the latest versions of the online harms regulations and the digital services act were released to the public. Both...

Matt Hewett
Dec 8, 20202 min read
Our view: we cannot rely on tech monopolies for ethical guidance
Dr Timnit Gebru was dismissed as Staff Research Scientist and Co-Lead of Ethical Artificial Intelligence this month.
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